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Flying with Baby — How to Stay Sane and Arrive Safe


Anyone who has ever flown with a little one knows the panic that sets in the closer you get to the trip. You worry about crying fits, changing diapers in the tiny bathroom, and the disapproving glares from strangers. However, it doesn't have to be a miserable experience. A little prep work can save you a massive headache.

If You can Afford a Seat, Buy One

You might hate to part with all of that money, but you will come out of the trip a lot saner than if you have to contain baby to your lap the entire time — not to mention the increased luggage allowance. Make sure that the car seat you bring is FAA approved. An alternative to lugging around that heavy car seat is the CARES system — my personal choice for airplane travel. Just make sure your little one is large enough to use it before you buy.

Pack Strategically

Even if you remember everything that you might need, you want to be certain you pack everything in a way that the most important items are the easiest to access. The last thing you need is to be frantically fumbling through your bag under the seat trying to find the binky or favorite toy that you knew baby would want.

Bring a Few New Items

Flying isn't the time to follow the rules, so feel free to spoil your baby with plenty of new items. On a short flight, this might only be one or two small toys. I like simple toys that can be attached to arm rests, such as this star by Under the Nile. That way you won’t need to calm a screaming child when it gets thrown in the floor.

Prepare for the Snack Attack

Keep a few, small snacks at the ready and in easy-to-use containers. I like to use bowls with suction feet to keep them steady on the tray table, such as this one by Munchkin. Then I can just hold baby in my lap and let him feed himself without worrying about him or turbulence causing a nasty spill.

Embrace the Screen Time

I am not a mom who like to rely on devices to keep my child happy. However, when I am stuck in a metal tube with a hundred other people, all bets are off. A child-friendly smart phone case will keep your telephone safe and often comes with small toys attached to it to keep baby entertained after the novelty of the screen wears off.

Wear your Little One

Plenty of parents opt to take a stroller, but I personally don’t like to waste time with checking it and find that I am better able to maneuver my luggage when traveling alone if I don’t bring a stroller. Instead, I wear my son, freeing up my hands and keeping him safe and close. My favorite carrier for travel is the Outbacks carrier by Onya. It works for even larger children and it comes with the ability to use it as a high chair, making airport dining a bit easier.

Consider your Layover Time

My first time flying with my son, my instinct was to opt for the shortest possible layover time that would still let us make customs. That was a big mistake. He didn’t get any time to relax and unwind, which meant he was a monster by the end of our second flight. A longer layover—but not too long—gives little ones the chance to stretch and relieve some energy. Check your airport’s website ahead of time to plan on how to get to the most child-friendly areas.

Finally, Stay Calm

Yeah, flying with baby is stressful. However, it is only a few hours out of your day and then it is over. Don’t worry about the dirty looks or rolling eyes. Focus on yourself, your baby, and the fun you will have when you safely arrive at your destination. After all, that is what matters. 



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