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What to Look for in a Stroller


Whether you are preparing for the arrival of a little one or just looking to upgrade your current gear, the purchase of a stroller can be a bit intimidating. There are few items your child will need that match the price-point of a stroller; you want to make sure you get it right. This is an item where everyone will have their own opinion on the best option, but the right option for you will vary based on numerous factors. Below are some of the things you must consider when trying to find the best stroller for you.

Where do you plan to use it?

The type of city of town you live in will determine some of what you need in a stroller. If you are in a large city where you must share the sidewalks with numerous pedestrians, you will likely need a smaller stroller with a narrow base that can be easily maneuvered around the various obstacles that the city throws at you.

If you are out in the suburbs, chances are you will still have sidewalks to use when you go out for a walk, but there will be less people and obstacles. This means that you could opt for a larger stroller that gives your child more room to spread out, as well are increased storage for you. If you are in a more rural area, you could still easily have a larger stroller, but you will likely need one that has a wider wheel base and larger wheels to help stabilize the stroller on uneven surfaces.

Do you own a vehicle?

Individuals who rely on public transport know all too well the space limits that imposes. While you can toss a large stroller into your trunk if you own a car, it will need to fit into a seat with you on a bus or train. Not to mention how important it is to find a stroller that folds and unfolds easily; in fact, you might need a stroller that can do so with just one hand.

How much time will your little one spend in the stroller?

If you are only planning to use the stroller occasionally or for simple, quick trips, you might find that a simple, umbrella stroller is the best option for you. It stores well, opens easily, and is incredibly lightweight. However, if you plan to use it often or keep your child in it for hours as you run about, you will likely want a more comfortable stroller that provides more back support for your little one.

Are you having multiples or plan on having another child soon?

If either is the case for you, investing in a double stroller or a stroller that converts to a double would be the wisest option for you and your family. While two strollers may seem like the better option at first, it makes it impossible for a parent to go out with both children alone.

How much stuff do you plan to cart around?

If you are pretty minimalist with the items you like to take with you, storage space on the stroller won’t be much of an issue. Chances are you can tote along everything you need in a stroller bag or in your own purse. However, if you prefer to be fully prepared on every outing—or you plan to do some serious shopping—you will want to look for a stroller that offers storage space.

Considerations when you are tall or short.

Finally, if you are tall or short—or there is a big height difference in your household—you will want to find a stroller that has an adjustable handle. Getting the handle to the right height can save your back and arms from a lot of pain.



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