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Blog - Diaper Covers

Benefits of Cloth Diapers


New mothers struggle to figure out which online baby products they should buy for their new bundle of joy. There are thousands of choices for everything from diapers to thermometers. How can you know when a product is good? What is the best diaper? Who can you turn to for questions regarding online baby products? Parent’s Favorite is a company that was founded on the idea of giving parents great, environmentally friendly, and baby safe products to choose from.

One of the most important choices that new parents will have to make is which diaper brand they choose to use. When infants need a diaper change (on average) 20 times per day, the cost of diapers can be astronomical. Parents always ask if there is a difference between disposable diapers and reusable diapers. The answer is YES. While disposable diapers are much more convenient, babies can develop rashes and allergies to disposable diapers. Also, disposable diapers are expensive!

First let’s just reiterate how much money you will save when switching to cloth diapers. It’s a lot. Believe us. Cloth diapers are cheaper and reusable. The technology has also come a long way since the white dish towel looking diaper with clothespins to hold them up. Cloth diapers come with diaper inserts and brightly colored diaper covers with snaps to hold them up! They even prevent leaks and can be laundered easily at home. Mothers across the country have also noted that their babies bottoms are diaper-rash free with the use of disposable diapers!

While some mothers may prefer to use the disposable diapers even after reading this, think about the amount of garbage you are adding to landfills. When you are ready to try out cloth diapers, visit Parent’s Favorite. You will find everything you need to transition your baby into cloth diapers!



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