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Blog - Introducing Sold Food

Introducing Solid Food to Your Baby


Welcome to all the moms out there. Today on the discussion and one of the most important of any mommy and infant’s life is how to introduce solid foods to your baby. For some mommies this part comes easily, however for others, they are not always certain, when baby needs to start eating solids.

To answer this important question find some important answers here to assist you with making the best choice in introducing your child to eating solids. We all know that breast milk is the most important feeding for any baby, though when your child reaches the age of usually four to six months the majority of them are ready to eat solids. This is the distinctive age for small ones to stop using their tongues to push the food out of their mouths and learn the coordination to start moving the food around their mouth to be able to swallow it.

Other signs that moms can look out for are the following taking note of your baby’s neck and head if they can keep their head steady and upright, sit without your support, start mouthing their toys and fascinated in what you are eating then you know that the times right for them to start eating.

The best is to start with cereals mixed, preferably with your breast milk, however, if you are using formula you should mix the cereal with it. Never feed your baby cereals in the bottle, even if you are tempted to do it rather assists your baby with small spoon full once or twice a day.

The next step is introducing them to puree meat, fruits, and vegetables, providing them with the natural food you can easily find in your own home not the pureed baby food you buy in bottles. With all the appliances available today they assist you with ease in grinding or pureeing the foods for your baby to eat. In addition, when they reach 8 months and older introduce them to healthy finger foods such as fruits, pasta and cheese.

A number of the products can be found on the market today to assist you with preparing healthy baby foods, such as Dr Brown’s® Make-A-Smash™ Food Masher, Munchkin® Fresh Food Grinder and Click Lock™ Fresh Food Freezer Pops. These adorable gadgets are available online to buy to assist you with your homemade baby food needs.

The Dr Brown’s® Make-A-Smash™ Food Masher is a  necessity have for all moms as you can easily pop it into your diaper bag wherever you go while traveling and at home. The design aids to mash vegetables and fruits without effort. The food masher with simple design is easy to use and light enough to take anywhere. To help they have included a feeding guide, plus booklet with healthy recipes for your infant to enjoy. In addition, to ensure that your baby has no allergies, introduce foods one at a time. You can buy the food masher in various colors from white/blue to white/orange. Dr Brown’s does not only offer the food masher, but has proportional plates and snack cups too.

The Munchkin® Fresh Food Grinder is a  also handheld system that you can easily place in a diaper bag for travelling. It purees vegetables and fruits fine enough for your baby to enjoy. You can even freeze the puree until required to use. Chop and steam food place in grinder and mash, then nosh or store. This handy device is dishwasher safe, BPA free and includes healthy recipes for a healthy baby.

Both the Fresh Food Grinder and Make-A-Smash will never be left in your kitchen cupboard even after baby has grown up to eat on his or her own as you can use it to make any puree required for meats, cocktail parties and treats.

The Click Lock™ Fresh Food Freezer Pops is great for kids who are fussy eaters. These pops have easy-to-hold handles and drip-proof trays for little hands and yes, it will be great for teething babies. By using your grinders, you can easily place the puree in these holders pop them into the freezer and your toddlers or baby has delicious popsicles to lick on.

Take strawberries and milk and if you make fresh fruit smoothies at home take part of it and freeze them for your infants to enjoy. Who said that introducing solid foods to a baby is not easy, with the gadgets moms have available on the market today, you cannot go wrong making life so much easier than what it used to be in the olden days.

Visit our website for your baby accessories from feeding time to baby apparel, diapers and potty training products to all nursery essentials today to ensure that both mommy and baby are happy throughout the day.



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